Warning: Undefined array key "q" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/index.html on line 26

Warning: Undefined array key "q" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/index.html on line 27

Warning: Undefined array key "fmt" in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 375
TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data

Edges in Network

NetworkGSE9195_egf1520 - GSE9195 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap
Network DescriptionPredicting prognosis using molecular profiling in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer treated with tamoxifen

Warning: Undefined array key 13728 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 14446 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 1621 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 11002 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 10325 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 14057 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 8441 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 12754 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 537 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 759 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 9536 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 7704 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 15416 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 7176 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 1802 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 7784 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 17467 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516

Warning: Undefined array key 8168 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 516
Upstream (Parents)
   (<<)    CSTB → ITGAE
   (<<)    DVL1 → ITGAE
   (<<)    EDNRA → ITGAE
   (<<)    EEF1E1 → ITGAE
   (<<)    EIF4E → ITGAE
   (<<)    GNG10 → ITGAE
   (<<)    KLF7 → ITGAE
   (<<)    KLHL7 → ITGAE
   (<<)    KRT16 → ITGAE
   (<<)    KRT5 → ITGAE
   (<<)    LRCH4 → ITGAE
   (<<)    MEX3D → ITGAE
   (<<)    PITPNA → ITGAE
   (<<)    PPP1R12B → ITGAE
   (<<)    PTK7 → ITGAE
   (<<)    RPL22L1 → ITGAE
   (<<)    RPL35 → ITGAE
   (<<)    SOS2 → ITGAE

Warning: Undefined array key 7688 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 537

Warning: Undefined array key 1771 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 537

Warning: Undefined array key 3258 in /rshare1/ZETTAI_path_WA_slash_usr_slash_proj_KARA/usr/proj/tcng/htdocs/tcng.php on line 537
Downstream (Children)
   ITGAE → GNRH2    (>>)
   ITGAE → NUDT6    (>>)
   ITGAE → PLA2G4C    (>>)