Edges in Network
Network | GSE7553_egf1520 - GSE7553 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Gene Expression Patterns Involved in the Malignant Transformation and Progression of Metastatic Melanoma |
Node | RAC3 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) ITCH → RAC3 |
(<<) PLD2 → RAC3 |
(<<) PRR7 → RAC3 |
(<<) PTK2 → RAC3 |
(<<) RAB5C → RAC3 |
(<<) SPRR2G → RAC3 |
(<<) STK16 → RAC3 |
(<<) TAF1A → RAC3 |
Downstream (Children) |
RAC3 → MXRA8 (>>) |
RAC3 → OSBPL8 (>>) |
RAC3 → PRKCA (>>) |
RAC3 → SUFU (>>) |