Edges in Network
Network | GSE6764_egf1520 - GSE6764 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Genome-wide molecular profiles of HCV-induced dysplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma |
Node | PCK2 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) CFL1 → PCK2 |
(<<) CYP4F2 → PCK2 |
(<<) EEF1E1 → PCK2 |
(<<) NFIA → PCK2 |
(<<) RPS12 → PCK2 |
(<<) TPM3 → PCK2 |
(<<) TUBA1C → PCK2 |
(<<) UBE2N → PCK2 |
(<<) UTP18 → PCK2 |
Downstream (Children) |
PCK2 → ADAM17 (>>) |
PCK2 → BDH1 (>>) |
PCK2 → CBS (>>) |
PCK2 → CCDC88A (>>) |
PCK2 → EIF4EBP1 (>>) |
PCK2 → GNE (>>) |
PCK2 → GOT2 (>>) |
PCK2 → GRHPR (>>) |
PCK2 → GSTK1 (>>) |
PCK2 → GSTZ1 (>>) |
PCK2 → HSPA14 (>>) |
PCK2 → HSPC159 (>>) |
PCK2 → ITGAV (>>) |
PCK2 → LOC100131262 (>>) |
PCK2 → MKI67IP (>>) |
PCK2 → MYLK (>>) |
PCK2 → NUDT6 (>>) |
PCK2 → PIK3R1 (>>) |
PCK2 → PLA2G4C (>>) |
PCK2 → PLCG2 (>>) |
PCK2 → PPIB (>>) |
PCK2 → PRKACA (>>) |
PCK2 → RDH16 (>>) |
PCK2 → RPS16 (>>) |
PCK2 → S100P (>>) |
PCK2 → SULT1A1 (>>) |
PCK2 → SULT1A2 (>>) |
PCK2 → TEX10 (>>) |
PCK2 → THOC4 (>>) |
PCK2 → TUBA1B (>>) |