Edges in Network
Network | GSE16120_top8000 - GSE16120 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Gene profiling, mutations and expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in androgen-dependent prostate cancer |
Node | LOC100130193 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) TMEM218 → LOC100130193 |
(<<) UBL4A → LOC100130193 |
(<<) LOC728800 → LOC100130193 |
(<<) NGFRAP1 → LOC100130193 |
(<<) CYP4Z1 → LOC100130193 |
(<<) FAM172A → LOC100130193 |
(<<) SLTM → LOC100130193 |
Downstream (Children) |
LOC100130193 → MAP1B (>>) |
LOC100130193 → NGFRAP1 (>>) |
LOC100130193 → MEMO1 (>>) |
LOC100130193 → RSAD2 (>>) |
LOC100130193 → FAM184B (>>) |
LOC100130193 → SLTM (>>) |