Edges in Network
Network | GSE6365_egf1520 - GSE6365 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Distinct transcriptional and genetic features associated with chromosome 13 deletion in multiple myeloma |
Node | NRIP3 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) ATP7B → NRIP3 |
(<<) IL1B → NRIP3 |
(<<) IL1RN → NRIP3 |
(<<) PLA2G3 → NRIP3 |
(<<) SERPINB2 → NRIP3 |
(<<) WNT6 → NRIP3 |
Downstream (Children) |
NRIP3 → CDK5 (>>) |
NRIP3 → CISH (>>) |
NRIP3 → ITGAV (>>) |
NRIP3 → KRT34 (>>) |
NRIP3 → RRP9 (>>) |
NRIP3 → UST (>>) |