Edges in Network
Network | GSE5206_egf1520 - GSE5206 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Large-scale deployment of embryonic gene programming in human and murine colon cancer: a new target for intervention. |
Node | PLAT |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) AKAP12 → PLAT |
(<<) AXL → PLAT |
(<<) CAV1 → PLAT |
(<<) CYR61 → PLAT |
(<<) HADH → PLAT |
(<<) HSPA2 → PLAT |
(<<) IL1R1 → PLAT |
(<<) INHBA → PLAT |
(<<) LRRC8C → PLAT |
(<<) MKI67IP → PLAT |
(<<) MMP2 → PLAT |
(<<) MSN → PLAT |
(<<) PPAP2A → PLAT |
(<<) PPP1R12B → PLAT |
(<<) RECK → PLAT |
(<<) SULF1 → PLAT |
Downstream (Children) |
PLAT → DUSP1 (>>) |
PLAT → EMG1 (>>) |
PLAT → EMP1 (>>) |
PLAT → ENTPD7 (>>) |
PLAT → GNAI1 (>>) |
PLAT → GPR78 (>>) |
PLAT → GRK5 (>>) |
PLAT → NRSN2 (>>) |
PLAT → PDGFB (>>) |
PLAT → PKIG (>>) |
PLAT → SMO (>>) |
PLAT → SPRY4 (>>) |
PLAT → STC2 (>>) |
PLAT → TFPI2 (>>) |
PLAT → ZFP36 (>>) |