Edges in Network
Network | GSE5206_egf1520 - GSE5206 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Large-scale deployment of embryonic gene programming in human and murine colon cancer: a new target for intervention. |
Node | PYGL |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) BMPR1A → PYGL |
(<<) CLK3 → PYGL |
(<<) EBP → PYGL |
(<<) EXOC3L2 → PYGL |
(<<) FERMT1 → PYGL |
(<<) HSD17B2 → PYGL |
(<<) HSPA5 → PYGL |
(<<) IER3 → PYGL |
(<<) IL1R2 → PYGL |
(<<) KCNK1 → PYGL |
(<<) KCTD12 → PYGL |
(<<) MMP28 → PYGL |
(<<) MT1F → PYGL |
(<<) MT1P2 → PYGL |
(<<) NEDD4 → PYGL |
(<<) PCK2 → PYGL |
(<<) PLA2G12A → PYGL |
(<<) PLCG2 → PYGL |
(<<) PTGS1 → PYGL |
(<<) SLPI → PYGL |
(<<) SMURF1 → PYGL |
(<<) YWHAH → PYGL |
(<<) ZNF503 → PYGL |
Downstream (Children) |
PYGL → FGFBP1 (>>) |
PYGL → HYAL1 (>>) |
PYGL → PKIG (>>) |