Edges in Network
Network | GSE4183_egf1520 - GSE4183 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Inflammation, adenoma and cancer: objective classification of colon biopsy specimens with gene expression signature |
Node | RPS28 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) BPGM → RPS28 |
(<<) CDKN1A → RPS28 |
(<<) CHST13 → RPS28 |
(<<) CLCF1 → RPS28 |
(<<) HS3ST2 → RPS28 |
(<<) MOBKL2C → RPS28 |
(<<) NOL9 → RPS28 |
(<<) PTPN12 → RPS28 |
(<<) RCOR1 → RPS28 |
(<<) RGMB → RPS28 |
(<<) SYNPO → RPS28 |
(<<) THOC4 → RPS28 |
(<<) TMSB10 → RPS28 |
Downstream (Children) |
RPS28 → CACNA1E (>>) |
RPS28 → EWSR1 (>>) |
RPS28 → GNB2L1 (>>) |
RPS28 → PAK4 (>>) |
RPS28 → SOX1 (>>) |