Edges in Network
Network | GSE22153_egf1520 - GSE22153 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Gene Experssion Profiling-Based Identification of Molecular Subtypes in Stage IV Melanoma with Different Clinical Outcome (test set) |
Node | SQLE |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) CD3EAP → SQLE |
(<<) EPHB6 → SQLE |
(<<) HMGCR → SQLE |
(<<) IMPA1 → SQLE |
(<<) ITGA3 → SQLE |
(<<) LRP8 → SQLE |
(<<) NRSN2 → SQLE |
(<<) PGK1 → SQLE |
(<<) PKM2 → SQLE |
(<<) POP1 → SQLE |
(<<) SHFM1 → SQLE |
(<<) TCEB1 → SQLE |
(<<) TXNIP → SQLE |
(<<) ZBED3 → SQLE |
Downstream (Children) |
SQLE → ACAT2 (>>) |
SQLE → ARHGAP10 (>>) |
SQLE → CREB3 (>>) |
SQLE → GYS1 (>>) |
SQLE → LDLR (>>) |
SQLE → MPHOSPH6 (>>) |
SQLE → MTSS1 (>>) |
SQLE → NDRG1 (>>) |
SQLE → SEH1L (>>) |
SQLE → UTP18 (>>) |
SQLE → ZNF503 (>>) |