Edges in Network
Network | GSE15396_egf1520 - GSE15396 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Peripheral blood mononuclear, DU145, and HCT116 cells treated with a CDK inhibitor |
Node | KRAS |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) ADAM8 → KRAS |
(<<) DLAT → KRAS |
(<<) EFEMP1 → KRAS |
(<<) EMILIN2 → KRAS |
(<<) GNAS → KRAS |
(<<) GNB5 → KRAS |
(<<) HMOX1 → KRAS |
(<<) ITGB5 → KRAS |
(<<) LAMB2 → KRAS |
(<<) MYLK → KRAS |
(<<) PDIA4 → KRAS |
(<<) PRKACB → KRAS |
(<<) PYGL → KRAS |
(<<) RBKS → KRAS |
(<<) RHOF → KRAS |
(<<) TNFRSF1A → KRAS |
Downstream (Children) |
KRAS → CBL (>>) |