Edges in Network
Network | GSE13168_egf1520 - GSE13168 - SiGN-BN HC+Bootstrap |
Network Description | Effects of glucocorticoids and Protein Kinase A on growth factor- and 1beta- regulated gene |
Node | NOC3L |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) ABCF1 → NOC3L |
(<<) BZW1 → NOC3L |
(<<) CCL24 → NOC3L |
(<<) CSNK1D → NOC3L |
(<<) DDX18 → NOC3L |
(<<) DVL3 → NOC3L |
(<<) HSPA9 → NOC3L |
(<<) KIAA0020 → NOC3L |
(<<) MN1 → NOC3L |
(<<) MPHOSPH6 → NOC3L |
(<<) PIK3C3 → NOC3L |
(<<) PLEKHF1 → NOC3L |
(<<) SPRR3 → NOC3L |
(<<) TCF7L1 → NOC3L |
(<<) TNF → NOC3L |
Downstream (Children) |
NOC3L → DNAJA1 (>>) |
NOC3L → EPHB4 (>>) |
NOC3L → HDAC11 (>>) |
NOC3L → ITCH (>>) |
NOC3L → LPIN1 (>>) |
NOC3L → UBQLN2 (>>) |