Edges in Network
Network | GSE13911_top8000 - GSE13911 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Expression data from primary gastric tumors (MSI and MSS) and adjacent normal samples |
Node | TM4SF4 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) FABP1 → TM4SF4 |
(<<) ADH4 → TM4SF4 |
(<<) REG4 → TM4SF4 |
(<<) PCK1 → TM4SF4 |
Downstream (Children) |
TM4SF4 → CYCSP33///PARP4 (>>) |
TM4SF4 → REG4 (>>) |
TM4SF4 → GAST (>>) |
TM4SF4 → GZMM (>>) |
TM4SF4 → NPC1L1 (>>) |
TM4SF4 → LOC100286993 (>>) |
TM4SF4 → UBASH3B (>>) |
TM4SF4 → FOLH1B (>>) |