Edges in Network
Network | GSE7553_top8000 - GSE7553 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Gene Expression Patterns Involved in the Malignant Transformation and Progression of Metastatic Melanoma |
Node | LOC399959 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) GAP43 → LOC399959 |
(<<) MEOX2 → LOC399959 |
(<<) SATB1 → LOC399959 |
(<<) DOCK4 → LOC399959 |
(<<) LPAR1 → LOC399959 |
Downstream (Children) |
LOC399959 → FLJ38379 (>>) |
LOC399959 → KCNA2 (>>) |
LOC399959 → LHX9 (>>) |
LOC399959 → CYP26A1 (>>) |
LOC399959 → PNPLA4 (>>) |
LOC399959 → PMP2 (>>) |
LOC399959 → GAP43 (>>) |
LOC399959 → ABCA8 (>>) |
LOC399959 → PCSK1 (>>) |
LOC399959 → PCDH9 (>>) |
LOC399959 → HCG4 (>>) |
LOC399959 → NBLA00301 (>>) |
LOC399959 → RFTN2 (>>) |
LOC399959 → SATB1 (>>) |
LOC399959 → CAPG (>>) |
LOC399959 → PRRT2 (>>) |
LOC399959 → VPS35 (>>) |
LOC399959 → HIST1H4J (>>) |
LOC399959 → LOC100192378 (>>) |
LOC399959 → DOCK4 (>>) |
LOC399959 → GPC6 (>>) |