Edges in Network
Network | GSE5851_top8000 - GSE5851 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Phase II exploratory pharmacogenomics study of cetuximab monotherapy in patients with advanced metastatic CRC |
Node | C15orf5 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) CSDA → C15orf5 |
(<<) SLC7A6 → C15orf5 |
(<<) PLXNA1 → C15orf5 |
(<<) FAM57A → C15orf5 |
(<<) TACC3 → C15orf5 |
Downstream (Children) |
C15orf5 → ANKRD36 (>>) |
C15orf5 → CA11 (>>) |
C15orf5 → PCDHGA1 (>>) |
C15orf5 → VEZT (>>) |
C15orf5 → KIAA0754 (>>) |
C15orf5 → DR1 (>>) |
C15orf5 → STOM (>>) |
C15orf5 → CNGB1 (>>) |
C15orf5 → ITGB3 (>>) |
C15orf5 → GABRR1 (>>) |
C15orf5 → USP34 (>>) |
C15orf5 → SAG (>>) |
C15orf5 → RLN1 (>>) |
C15orf5 → ZNF529 (>>) |
C15orf5 → SLC26A10 (>>) |
C15orf5 → MAP3K9 (>>) |
C15orf5 → TECPR2 (>>) |
C15orf5 → PRDM5 (>>) |
C15orf5 → LOC100132214 (>>) |
C15orf5 → S1PR2 (>>) |
C15orf5 → CYP27B1 (>>) |