Edges in Network
Network | GSE4115_top8000 - GSE4115 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Airway Epithelial Gene Expression Diagnostic for the Evaluation of Smokers with Suspect Lung Cancer |
Node | DLAT |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) DLG1 → DLAT |
(<<) C2orf3 → DLAT |
Downstream (Children) |
DLAT → PTGER2 (>>) |
DLAT → GADD45A (>>) |
DLAT → FAM175B (>>) |
DLAT → SMC6 (>>) |
DLAT → PRSS12 (>>) |
DLAT → KIF1B (>>) |
DLAT → INSIG1 (>>) |
DLAT → B3GNT2 (>>) |
DLAT → NARS2 (>>) |
DLAT → CSNK2A1P///CSNK2A1 (>>) |