Edges in Network
Network | GSE3960_top8000 - GSE3960 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Classification of neuroblastoma by integrating gene expression pattern with regional alterations in DNA copy number |
Node | ELK3 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) ID3 → ELK3 |
(<<) KDR → ELK3 |
(<<) CALCRL → ELK3 |
(<<) DPYSL4 → ELK3 |
(<<) CD34 → ELK3 |
Downstream (Children) |
ELK3 → ERAL1 (>>) |
ELK3 → DPM2 (>>) |
ELK3 → SPTB (>>) |
ELK3 → TTC9 (>>) |
ELK3 → RAPGEF3 (>>) |
ELK3 → ATRNL1 (>>) |
ELK3 → ST7 (>>) |
ELK3 → TRPC6 (>>) |
ELK3 → RASGRP3 (>>) |
ELK3 → MDH2 (>>) |
ELK3 → PLD1 (>>) |