Edges in Network
Network | GSE11151_top8000 - GSE11151 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Gene expression data from different types of renal tumors and normal kidneys |
Node | ASB15 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) GPM6B → ASB15 |
(<<) HS3ST3A1 → ASB15 |
(<<) TTC39A → ASB15 |
(<<) PLEKHG4B → ASB15 |
(<<) C5orf58 → ASB15 |
(<<) LRRN3 → ASB15 |
(<<) EMR3 → ASB15 |
(<<) SFT2D3 → ASB15 |
(<<) MIB2 → ASB15 |
(<<) GAL3ST3 → ASB15 |
Downstream (Children) |
ASB15 → EMR3 (>>) |
ASB15 → MIB2 (>>) |