Edges in Network
Network | GSE23593_top8000 - GSE23593 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Intratumor Heterogeneity and Precision of Microarray-Based Predictors of Breast Cancer Biology and Clinical Outcome |
Node | LRRCC1 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) HMX2 → LRRCC1 |
(<<) DCAF13 → LRRCC1 |
(<<) NLN → LRRCC1 |
(<<) EMX1 → LRRCC1 |
Downstream (Children) |
LRRCC1 → NOTCH2NL (>>) |
LRRCC1 → ITGB1BP1 (>>) |
LRRCC1 → MLF1 (>>) |
LRRCC1 → NLN (>>) |
LRRCC1 → PAIP1 (>>) |
LRRCC1 → PFAS (>>) |
LRRCC1 → TRIM38 (>>) |