Edges in Network
Network | GSE21029_top8000 - GSE21029 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | The lymph node microenvironment promotes B-cell receptor signaling, NF-κB activation, and tumor proliferation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) |
Node | RGPD2///RGPD1 |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) IGLV2-14///IGLC2///IGL@ → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) LOC283508 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) RGPD2///RGPD6///RGPD8///RGPD3///RGPD1///RGPD4///RGPD5///RANBP2 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) TIMP1 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) RANBP2 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) C11orf17 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) RGPD6///RGPD8///RGPD5 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) RUNDC2A → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
(<<) TBC1D12 → RGPD2///RGPD1 |
Downstream (Children) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → IGLV2-14///IGLC2///IGL@ (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → RGPD2///RGPD6///RGPD8///RGPD3///RGPD1///RGPD4///RGPD5///RANBP2 (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → FNBP1L (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → IDO2 (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → RANBP2 (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → ZNF425 (>>) |
RGPD2///RGPD1 → RGPD6///RGPD8///RGPD5 (>>) |