Edges in Network
Network | GSE10797_top8000 - GSE10797 - SiGN-BN NNSR |
Network Description | Transcriptomes of breast epithelium and stroma in normal reduction mammoplasty and invasive breast cancer patients. |
Node | MSTN |
Upstream (Parents) |
(<<) SNRPN → MSTN |
(<<) LOC100131298 → MSTN |
(<<) PPFIBP1 → MSTN |
(<<) FPR2 → MSTN |
Downstream (Children) |
MSTN → TCF7L2 (>>) |
MSTN → FIGF (>>) |
MSTN → ZNF323 (>>) |
MSTN → RSF1 (>>) |
MSTN → DYNC1LI1 (>>) |
MSTN → LOC100131298 (>>) |
MSTN → AZI2 (>>) |
MSTN → SPACA1 (>>) |