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TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data



Entrez Gene ID9350 (See on NCBI)
Descriptioncerberus 1, cysteine knot superfamily, homolog (Xenopus laevis)
Gene Synonyms DAND4
Node consisting of this GeneCER1

Networks including this gene

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GSE12093_top8000 - GSE12093 - SiGN-BN NNSRThe 76-gene Signature Defines High-Risk Patients that Benefit from Adjuvant Tamoxifen Therapy
GSE13009_top8000 - GSE13009 - SiGN-BN NNSRMCF7 EGF, HRG stimulation
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GSE18684_top8000 - GSE18684 - SiGN-BN NNSRFine mapping of androgen regulated genes in LNCaP cells
GSE19027_top8000 - GSE19027 - SiGN-BN NNSRAntioxidant response gene expression in the bronchial airway epithelial cells of smokers at risk for lung cancer
GSE20194_top8000 - GSE20194 - SiGN-BN NNSRMAQC-II Project: human breast cancer (BR) data set
GSE22153_top8000 - GSE22153 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene Experssion Profiling-Based Identification of Molecular Subtypes in Stage IV Melanoma with Different Clinical Outcome (test set)
GSE23991_top8000 - GSE23991 - SiGN-BN NNSREffect of zebularine on primary human liver cancer cell lines
GSE25136_top8000 - GSE25136 - SiGN-BN NNSROptimizing molecular signatures for prostate cancer recurrence
GSE26712_top8000 - GSE26712 - SiGN-BN NNSRA Gene Signature Predicting for Survival in Suboptimally Debulked Patients with Ovarian Cancer
GSE3167_top8000 - GSE3167 - SiGN-BN NNSRClassification of carcinoma in situ lesions in human bladder cancer
GSE4115_top8000 - GSE4115 - SiGN-BN NNSRAirway Epithelial Gene Expression Diagnostic for the Evaluation of Smokers with Suspect Lung Cancer
GSE5847_top8000 - GSE5847 - SiGN-BN NNSRTumor and stroma from breast by LCM
GSE5851_top8000 - GSE5851 - SiGN-BN NNSRPhase II exploratory pharmacogenomics study of cetuximab monotherapy in patients with advanced metastatic CRC
GSE6462_top8000 - GSE6462 - SiGN-BN NNSRMCF7 dose response
GSE6481_top8000 - GSE6481 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene Expression Analysis of Soft Tissue Sarcomas: Characterization & Reclassification of Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma
GSE8481_top8000 - GSE8481 - SiGN-BN NNSRVarious human cell types

(18 networks)