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TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data



Entrez Gene ID83606 (See on NCBI)
Descriptionchromosome 22 open reading frame 13
Gene Synonyms LLN4
Node consisting of this GeneC22orf13

Networks including this gene

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GSE12428_top8000 - GSE12428 - SiGN-BN NNSRCurrent smoking-specific gene expression signature in bronchial epithelium is enhanced in squamous cell lung cancer
GSE12453_top8000 - GSE12453 - SiGN-BN NNSROrigin and pathogenesis of lymphocyte-predominant Hodgkin lymphoma as revealed by global gene expression analysis
GSE12472_top8000 - GSE12472 - SiGN-BN NNSRA COPD-related gene expression signature in squamous cell lung cancer
GSE13898_top8000 - GSE13898 - SiGN-BN NNSRRobust prognostic biomarkers for EAC identified by systems-level characterization of tumor transcriptome
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GSE16757_top8000 - GSE16757 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression study in hepatocellular carcinoma
GSE17764_top8000 - GSE17764 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression profiles associated with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation status in familial breast cancer patients
GSE17920_top8000 - GSE17920 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data of diagnostic biopsy samples from Hodgkin lymphoma patients
GSE18105_top8000 - GSE18105 - SiGN-BN NNSRStage II and stage III colorectal cancer
GSE18684_top8000 - GSE18684 - SiGN-BN NNSRFine mapping of androgen regulated genes in LNCaP cells
GSE18864_top8000 - GSE18864 - SiGN-BN NNSRTumor expression data from neoadjuvant trial of cisplatin monotherapy in triple negative breast cancer patients
GSE19494_top8000 - GSE19494 - SiGN-BN NNSRSubcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) gene expression patterns between weight control and regaining weight subjects
GSE20842_top8000 - GSE20842 - SiGN-BN NNSRMutated KRAS induces overexpression of DUSP4, a MAP-kinase phosphatase, and SMYD3, a histone methyltransferase, in rectal carcinomas
GSE21029_top8000 - GSE21029 - SiGN-BN NNSRThe lymph node microenvironment promotes B-cell receptor signaling, NF-κB activation, and tumor proliferation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
GSE21510_top8000 - GSE21510 - SiGN-BN NNSRClinical Significance of Osteoprotegerin Expression in Human Colorectal Cancer
GSE23177_top8000 - GSE23177 - SiGN-BN NNSRPrediction of lymph node involvement in breast cancer from primary tumor tissue using gene expression profiling and miRNAs.
GSE23553_top8000 - GSE23553 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression changes with induction of in-vitro platinum-resistance in ovarian cancer cell lines.
GSE23806_top8000 - GSE23806 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data of glioblastoma stem-like (GS) cell lines, conventional glioma cell lines and primary tumors
GSE27480_top8000 - GSE27480 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene-expression analysis of Oncostatin-M (OSM) signalling in cervical squamous cell carcinomas over-expressing the Oncostatin-M receptor (OSMR)
GSE31548_top8000 - GSE31548 - SiGN-BN NNSRMSKCC-B Primary Lung Cancer Specimens
GSE32448_top8000 - GSE32448 - SiGN-BN NNSRCPDR tumor-benign 80 genechip dataset
GSE4823_top8000 - GSE4823 - SiGN-BN NNSRComparison of normal breast epithelium and stroma from reduction and I.D.C. cases
GSE5460_top8000 - GSE5460 - SiGN-BN NNSRPredicting Features of Breast Cancer with Gene Expression Patterns
GSE7904_top8000 - GSE7904 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data from human breast tissue

(29 networks)