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TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data



Entrez Gene ID4992 (See on NCBI)
Descriptionolfactory receptor, family 1, subfamily F, member 1
Gene Synonyms OLFMF, OR16-36, OR16-37, OR16-88, OR16-89, OR16-90, OR1F10, OR1F13P, OR1F4, OR1F5, OR1F6, OR1F7, OR1F8, OR1F9, OR3-145, ORL1023
Node consisting of this GeneOR1F1

Networks including this gene

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GSE12472_top8000 - GSE12472 - SiGN-BN NNSRA COPD-related gene expression signature in squamous cell lung cancer
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GSE26712_top8000 - GSE26712 - SiGN-BN NNSRA Gene Signature Predicting for Survival in Suboptimally Debulked Patients with Ovarian Cancer
GSE2841_top8000 - GSE2841 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression Profiling of pheochromocytomas of various genetic origins
GSE3167_top8000 - GSE3167 - SiGN-BN NNSRClassification of carcinoma in situ lesions in human bladder cancer
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GSE6462_top8000 - GSE6462 - SiGN-BN NNSRMCF7 dose response
GSE6691_top8000 - GSE6691 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression profiling of B lymphocytes and plasma cells from WaldenstrÖm’s macroglobulinemia.
GSE6956_top8000 - GSE6956 - SiGN-BN NNSRTumor Immunobiological Differences in Prostate Cancer between African-American and European-American Men
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(23 networks)