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TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data



Entrez Gene ID389898 (See on NCBI)
Descriptionubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N-like
Gene Synonyms Li174
Node consisting of this GeneUBE2NL

Networks including this gene

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GSE10320_top8000 - GSE10320 - SiGN-BN NNSRPredicting Relapse in Favorable Histology Wilms Tumor Using Gene Expression
GSE10810_top8000 - GSE10810 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression signatures in breast cancer distinguish phenotype charact., histological subtypes, and tumor invasivness
GSE10972_top8000 - GSE10972 - SiGN-BN NNSRColon cancer
GSE12391_top8000 - GSE12391 - SiGN-BN NNSRMelanoma: comparison between common nevi, radial/vertical growth phase melanoma, metastases and dysplastic nevi
GSE12470_top8000 - GSE12470 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression profiles of serous ovarian cancer samples
GSE13009_top8000 - GSE13009 - SiGN-BN NNSRMCF7 EGF, HRG stimulation
GSE13168_top8000 - GSE13168 - SiGN-BN NNSREffects of glucocorticoids and Protein Kinase A on growth factor- and 1beta- regulated gene
GSE14925_top8000 - GSE14925 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data from Non small cell lung cancer cell lines
GSE15212_top8000 - GSE15212 - SiGN-BN NNSRIdentification and validation of NOL5A and RPS2 as potential therapeutic targtes in colorectal cancer
GSE15641_top8000 - GSE15641 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene signatures of progression and metastasis in renal cell cancer
GSE16987_top8000 - GSE16987 - SiGN-BN NNSRA new gene expression signature, the ClinicoMolecular Triad Classification, may improve prediction and prognostication of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis
GSE18520_top8000 - GSE18520 - SiGN-BN NNSRWhole-genome oligonucleotide expression analysis of papillary serous ovarian adenocarcinomas
GSE18521_top8000 - GSE18521 - SiGN-BN NNSRA gene signature predictive for outcome in advanced ovarian cancer identifies a novel survival factor: MAGP2
GSE18684_top8000 - GSE18684 - SiGN-BN NNSRFine mapping of androgen regulated genes in LNCaP cells
GSE19027_top8000 - GSE19027 - SiGN-BN NNSRAntioxidant response gene expression in the bronchial airway epithelial cells of smokers at risk for lung cancer
GSE19494_top8000 - GSE19494 - SiGN-BN NNSRSubcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) gene expression patterns between weight control and regaining weight subjects
GSE20271_top8000 - GSE20271 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data from breast cancer FNA biopsies from patients
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GSE25136_top8000 - GSE25136 - SiGN-BN NNSROptimizing molecular signatures for prostate cancer recurrence
GSE26549_top8000 - GSE26549 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene Expression Profiling Predicts the Development of Oral Cancer
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GSE2841_top8000 - GSE2841 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression Profiling of pheochromocytomas of various genetic origins
GSE2990_top8000 - GSE2990 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene Expression Profiling in Breast Cancer: Understanding the Molecular Basis of Histologic Grade To Improve Prognosis
GSE3167_top8000 - GSE3167 - SiGN-BN NNSRClassification of carcinoma in situ lesions in human bladder cancer
GSE4115_top8000 - GSE4115 - SiGN-BN NNSRAirway Epithelial Gene Expression Diagnostic for the Evaluation of Smokers with Suspect Lung Cancer
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GSE6462_top8000 - GSE6462 - SiGN-BN NNSRMCF7 dose response
GSE6691_top8000 - GSE6691 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression profiling of B lymphocytes and plasma cells from WaldenstrÖm’s macroglobulinemia.
GSE7604_top8000 - GSE7604 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman Colon tumor vs Normal Human DNA
GSE7606_top8000 - GSE7606 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman Melanoma vs Normal Human DNA
GSE9936_top8000 - GSE9936 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data from human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) coexpressing ERalpha and Erbeta, treated with phytoestrogens
GSE9992_top8000 - GSE9992 - SiGN-BN NNSRMolecular and transcriptional characterization of chromosome 17p loss in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, experiment A

(32 networks)