Entrez Gene ID | 375513 (See on NCBI) |
Description | glucuronidase, beta pseudogene 4 |
Gene Synonyms | C6orf216, GUSBL2, SMA3-L, SMAC3L, b55C20.2 |
Node consisting of this Gene | GUSBL2 GUSBP1///GUSBL2 GUSBP3///GUSBL2///LOC100049076///SMA5 |
Networks including this gene
GSE14095_top8000 - GSE14095 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression signature and the prediction of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer by DNA microarray |
GSE10063_top8000 - GSE10063 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Effects of tobacco smoke on gene expression and cellular pathways in a cellular model of oral leukoplakia |
GSE10245_top8000 - GSE10245 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression differences between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma in human NSCLC |
GSE10358_top8000 - GSE10358 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Discovery and validation of expression data for the Genomics of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Program at Washington University. |
GSE10843_top8000 - GSE10843 - SiGN-BN NNSR | mRNA Cancer Cell Line Profiles |
GSE10890_top8000 - GSE10890 - SiGN-BN NNSR | mRNA Breast Cancer Cell Line Profiles |
GSE11729_top8000 - GSE11729 - SiGN-BN NNSR | H1299 EGF and Iressa stimulation |
GSE11869_top8000 - GSE11869 - SiGN-BN NNSR | The genomic response of a human uterine endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line to 17alpha-ethynyl estradiol. |
GSE12391_top8000 - GSE12391 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Melanoma: comparison between common nevi, radial/vertical growth phase melanoma, metastases and dysplastic nevi |
GSE12428_top8000 - GSE12428 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Current smoking-specific gene expression signature in bronchial epithelium is enhanced in squamous cell lung cancer |
GSE12460_top8000 - GSE12460 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression profiling of neuroblastic tumors |
GSE12470_top8000 - GSE12470 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression profiles of serous ovarian cancer samples |
GSE12472_top8000 - GSE12472 - SiGN-BN NNSR | A COPD-related gene expression signature in squamous cell lung cancer |
GSE12622_top8000 - GSE12622 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Tumor-associated stroma derived from primary clinical breast cancer samples (II) |
GSE13067_top8000 - GSE13067 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from primary colorectal cancers |
GSE13294_top8000 - GSE13294 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from primary colorectal cancers |
GSE13911_top8000 - GSE13911 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from primary gastric tumors (MSI and MSS) and adjacent normal samples |
GSE14206_top8000 - GSE14206 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Analysis of ETS gene expression patterns uncovers novel ETS mediated gene silencing pathways in prostate cancers |
GSE14315_top8000 - GSE14315 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Effects of demethylation on lung cancer cell lines |
GSE14333_top8000 - GSE14333 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from 290 primary colorectal cancers |
GSE15212_top8000 - GSE15212 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Identification and validation of NOL5A and RPS2 as potential therapeutic targtes in colorectal cancer |
GSE15329_top8000 - GSE15329 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression profiling of human non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) cell lines |
GSE15396_top8000 - GSE15396 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Peripheral blood mononuclear, DU145, and HCT116 cells treated with a CDK inhibitor |
GSE15966_top8000 - GSE15966 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression signature predictive of rapid response to imatinib mesylate in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST) |
GSE16120_top8000 - GSE16120 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene profiling, mutations and expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in androgen-dependent prostate cancer |
GSE16382_top8000 - GSE16382 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from complex genetic sarcomas |
GSE16391_top8000 - GSE16391 - SiGN-BN NNSR | GGI: a potential predictor of relapse for endocrine-treated breast cancer patients in the BIG 1-98 trial |
GSE16515_top8000 - GSE16515 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from Mayo Clinic Pancreatic Tumor and Normal samples |
GSE17913_top8000 - GSE17913 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Effects of Cigarette Smoke on the Human Oral Mucosal Transcriptome |
GSE17951_top8000 - GSE17951 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression analysis of prostate cancer samples using Affymetrix U133Plus2 array |
GSE18105_top8000 - GSE18105 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Stage II and stage III colorectal cancer |
GSE18520_top8000 - GSE18520 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Whole-genome oligonucleotide expression analysis of papillary serous ovarian adenocarcinomas |
GSE18521_top8000 - GSE18521 - SiGN-BN NNSR | A gene signature predictive for outcome in advanced ovarian cancer identifies a novel survival factor: MAGP2 |
GSE18728_top8000 - GSE18728 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from human breast cancers pre and post chemothrapy |
GSE18842_top8000 - GSE18842 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression analysis of human lung cancer and control samples |
GSE19188_top8000 - GSE19188 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data for early stage NSCLC |
GSE19417_top8000 - GSE19417 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Human esophageal adenocarcinomas |
GSE19494_top8000 - GSE19494 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) gene expression patterns between weight control and regaining weight subjects |
GSE20257_top8000 - GSE20257 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Smoking-induced Disarray of the Apical Junctional Complex Gene Expression Architecture in the Human Airway Epithelium |
GSE20842_top8000 - GSE20842 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Mutated KRAS induces overexpression of DUSP4, a MAP-kinase phosphatase, and SMYD3, a histone methyltransferase, in rectal carcinomas |
GSE21050_top8000 - GSE21050 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from Complex genetics sarcomas (cohort 1 and 2) |
GSE21501_top8000 - GSE21501 - SiGN-BN NNSR | A six-gene signature predicts survival of patients with localized pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma |
GSE22138_top8000 - GSE22138 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression Data from Uveal Melanoma primary tumors. |
GSE23120_top8000 - GSE23120 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Basal gene expression data from Human Variation Panel |
GSE23593_top8000 - GSE23593 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Intratumor Heterogeneity and Precision of Microarray-Based Predictors of Breast Cancer Biology and Clinical Outcome |
GSE23980_top8000 - GSE23980 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from human soft tissue sarcomas with complex genomics |
GSE24124_top8000 - GSE24124 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Major gene partners of a favorable biomarker in ER(+) breast cancer |
GSE26549_top8000 - GSE26549 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene Expression Profiling Predicts the Development of Oral Cancer |
GSE26599_top8000 - GSE26599 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression profile in response to doxorubicin-rapamycin combined treatment of HER-2 overexpressing human mammary epithelial cell lines |
GSE27562_top8000 - GSE27562 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data from human PBMCs from breast cancer patients and controls |
GSE28821_top8000 - GSE28821 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Laser-capture microdissected invasive micropapillary carcinomas of the breast |
GSE29683_top8000 - GSE29683 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Coexpression of Normally Incompatible Developmental Pathways in Retinoblastoma Genesis [human tumor/cell line data] |
GSE30784_top8000 - GSE30784 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene expression profiling of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) |
GSE3151_top8000 - GSE3151 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Oncogene Signature Dataset |
GSE31548_top8000 - GSE31548 - SiGN-BN NNSR | MSKCC-B Primary Lung Cancer Specimens |
GSE31552_top8000 - GSE31552 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression Data from human Lung tissue of Patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) |
GSE32448_top8000 - GSE32448 - SiGN-BN NNSR | CPDR tumor-benign 80 genechip dataset |
GSE4183_top8000 - GSE4183 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Inflammation, adenoma and cancer: objective classification of colon biopsy specimens with gene expression signature |
GSE4823_top8000 - GSE4823 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Comparison of normal breast epithelium and stroma from reduction and I.D.C. cases |
GSE6465_top8000 - GSE6465 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Expression data of Hepatocellular Carcinoma |
GSE6764_top8000 - GSE6764 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Genome-wide molecular profiles of HCV-induced dysplasia and hepatocellular carcinoma |
GSE6791_top8000 - GSE6791 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Gene Expression Profiles of HPV-Positive and -Negative Head/Neck and Cervical Cancers |
GSE7604_top8000 - GSE7604 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Human Colon tumor vs Normal Human DNA |
GSE7606_top8000 - GSE7606 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Human Melanoma vs Normal Human DNA |
GSE7696_top8000 - GSE7696 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Glioblastoma from a homogenous cohort of patients treated within clinical trial |
GSE8671_top8000 - GSE8671 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Transcriptome profile of human colorectal adenomas. |
GSE8894_top8000 - GSE8894 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Prediction of Recurrence-Free Survival in Postoperative NSCLC Patients—a Useful Prospective Clinical Practice |
GSE9014_top8000 - GSE9014 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Tumor-associated stroma derived from primary clinical breast cancer samples |
GSE9309_top8000 - GSE9309 - SiGN-BN NNSR | Recovery of biological information under heterogeneous experimental conditions using subgroup standardization. |
(69 networks)