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TCNG: The Cancer Network Galaxy

TCNG The Cancer Network Galaxy0.14

Database of Cancer Gene Networks from Public Gene Expression Data



Entrez Gene ID269 (See on NCBI)
Descriptionanti-Mullerian hormone receptor, type II
Node consisting of this GeneAMHR2

Networks including this gene

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GSE10320_top8000 - GSE10320 - SiGN-BN NNSRPredicting Relapse in Favorable Histology Wilms Tumor Using Gene Expression
GSE10327_top8000 - GSE10327 - SiGN-BN NNSRmRNA expression data of 62 human medulloblastoma tumors
GSE10927_top8000 - GSE10927 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman adrenocortical carcinomas (33), adenomas (22), and normal adrenal cortex (10), on Affymetrix HG_U133_plus_2 arrays
GSE13601_top8000 - GSE13601 - SiGN-BN NNSROral tongue cancer gene expression profiling: Identification of novel potential prognosticators
GSE13861_top8000 - GSE13861 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression signature-based novel prognostic risk score in gastric cancer
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GSE16237_top8000 - GSE16237 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data of human neuroblastoma tissue samples
GSE16757_top8000 - GSE16757 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression study in hepatocellular carcinoma
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GSE18684_top8000 - GSE18684 - SiGN-BN NNSRFine mapping of androgen regulated genes in LNCaP cells
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GSE19417_top8000 - GSE19417 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman esophageal adenocarcinomas
GSE19615_top8000 - GSE19615 - SiGN-BN NNSRIntegrated genomic and function characterization of the 8q22 gain
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GSE20257_top8000 - GSE20257 - SiGN-BN NNSRSmoking-induced Disarray of the Apical Junctional Complex Gene Expression Architecture in the Human Airway Epithelium
GSE21122_top8000 - GSE21122 - SiGN-BN NNSRWhole-transcript expression data for soft-tissue sarcoma tumors and control normal fat specimens
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GSE23991_top8000 - GSE23991 - SiGN-BN NNSREffect of zebularine on primary human liver cancer cell lines
GSE24185_top8000 - GSE24185 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene transcription signature of obesity in breast cancer
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GSE27155_top8000 - GSE27155 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman thyroid adenomas, carcinomas, and normals
GSE2841_top8000 - GSE2841 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression Profiling of pheochromocytomas of various genetic origins
GSE29288_top8000 - GSE29288 - SiGN-BN NNSRComparison between cell lines from 9 different cancer tissue (NCI-60) (Agilent WG platform)
GSE30929_top8000 - GSE30929 - SiGN-BN NNSRWhole-transcript expression data for liposarcoma
GSE31245_top8000 - GSE31245 - SiGN-BN NNSRUnique gene expression profile based upon pathologic response in epithelial ovarian cancer
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GSE3167_top8000 - GSE3167 - SiGN-BN NNSRClassification of carcinoma in situ lesions in human bladder cancer
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GSE6008_top8000 - GSE6008 - SiGN-BN NNSRHuman ovarian tumors and normal ovaries
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GSE6691_top8000 - GSE6691 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene expression profiling of B lymphocytes and plasma cells from WaldenstrÖm’s macroglobulinemia.
GSE6956_top8000 - GSE6956 - SiGN-BN NNSRTumor Immunobiological Differences in Prostate Cancer between African-American and European-American Men
GSE7849_top8000 - GSE7849 - SiGN-BN NNSRAge-Specific Differences of Oncogenic Pathway Deregulation Seen in Human Breast Tumors
GSE8057_top8000 - GSE8057 - SiGN-BN NNSRExpression data from ovarian cancer cells with time-course and concentration-profiles
GSE8546_top8000 - GSE8546 - SiGN-BN NNSRGene Expression Changes in Myeloma Cells Following Short Term In-vivo Drug Exposure
GSE8835_top8000 - GSE8835 - SiGN-BN NNSRChronic lymphocytic leukemia cells induce changes in gene expression of CD4 and CD8 T cells.

(41 networks)